As an obstetrician/gynecologist, I have the privilege of hearing all kinds of concerns and issues that plague the working mother. Women want to know how to balance their career yet still be a loving and doting mother and wife. Life happens. If you’re not careful, it will zoom by in a blur! Memoirs of a Working Mother gives a face and voice to the concerns of women from all walks of life. We may look different and our paths may be diverse, but at the core, we all have the same goal and desire. We want to be strong, effective, and leave a legacy that will make our children and loved ones proud.
This book is phenomenal. A huge part of its greatness is the fact that the author, International Board Certified Life and Leadership Coach Linda Arrey, is writing from a place of personal experience. She has allowed her tests to become her testimonies so that women everywhere can be encouraged and know that they are not alone. Sometimes, it’s difficult to share the hard, personal things with others. From health problems like fibroids to managing stress in the workplace. You will find this book will address whatever season of life you are in. You will know that y0u are not alone.
Memoirs of a Working Mother helps you learn to look at the woman in the mirror and discover who she is and what she wants to accomplish in life. Discovering our personal identity which is separate from wife and mother can be quite difficult for many women. I hear this daily from patients. This book is such a great source to begin the journey of self-discovery in a loving and nurturing way. Self-love and self-respect exude from the pages. You will learn how to strive for YOUR better and not compare your journey to anyone else’s. You are uniquely made. There is no one like y0u and there never will be. This book teaches you to embrace your uniqueness and walk in your own God-given strength and talents.
Memoirs of a Working Mother also addresses y0ur intimate relationship as a wife. Intimacy can be as simple as holding hands and walking in the park. It will help y0u better connect with y0ur spouse. You will discover how to give your best in the relationship and communicate effectively. I highly recommend Memoirs of a Working Mother to every woman from all stages and walks of life. This includes the stay-at-home mom, also! We all know that is a fulltime job minus the paycheck. I encourage you to read this book and discover how to balance life with all its twists and turns.